Monday, 23 June 2014

The book that change me ^_^ quite stressed after looking at the views of my previous post ^_^..but of coz it was a Girl good stressed practice for me..
Glad I send the email to that person in 5 minutes & really send it without thinking..
Heart knows better' ^_^..

So today I will start again. To think of how I will restart again this blog ^_^..what should I write? What should I do huhu..

Tajuk hari ini: Who's that Girl?

Aha!! The book that I read just before I turn 30..
Not the best chick lit that I ever read..but the story inspired me to think.
It was about the girl who is 30 years old & were able to go back to change her lives when she was 18 years old.
Yes from 30 --->>18 you have anything that you want to change if you can go back to your younger self??

I have!!! A lot!! Lol..not even when I'm 18 years old. I wish I can go back maybe when I'm 7 years old. 
If I can go back, and meet myself ..I want to shake my shoulders really hard and knock my head so many times. And maybe then I hug myself. What I want to tell myself is 'It is ok to be diffrent. Don't be afraid. You are amazing. Love and be loved. Laugh more.Be crazy. You are amazing!!

Yes, I wish! I wish I was told with all the positive energy when I was a child. Maybe life will be diffrent. But then if it is , there will be no 'me' right now. Because right now I am amazing in my own way. All the things I learn and mistakes I made, this was an amazing 31 years I'm being alive. 

Munirah Khadri

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