Saturday, 14 September 2013

To Myself (Value of Life)

Entry of my diary dated 23/08/13..

Dear Munirah,
Your value is not depending of how much they pay you every month,
Your value is not by comparing what other people have or how much they get paid.

Your value is

What is inside of you,

Your value is your strength,

Your value is to tell the world that it is ok to get up again to fight,

Your value is to keep smiling eventhough you are afraid, even when you are sad, or even when you dont feel like doing anything...

Your value is to keep moving forward after falling so many times...

And your greatest value is to keep fighting & nevet give up..Because in the end, you are the highest value of people in this world, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Me myself and I ^_^

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


One day we will meet..
Last Sunday,It was a shock and sad news..we are not close but we acknowledged each other. Everyday the greeting was just a head gesture & small nod..that was only it.Yet, when the news come..I feel the sadness.

I wonder about our last encounter.Will it be different it I say more words? Will it be different if I smile a little more often?
Those thought, those questions linger in me when I sat there in the corner of the mosque overlooking at the non moving body.

What if that is me? I ask myself..
What if I need to leave tomorrow?
Will I have a regret?
What that I'm most afraid at..I realised is not just that I leave this world unprepared,  but I'm afraid of all the things that I want to do, and I want to say,that is left undone.

When I look at him, to be gone in such a young age, I realised that all feelings that I'm afraid of,is just a dust. If tomorrow I'm going to least I want people to say that she lives happily and wholeheartedly. all means if it is the way, may Allah show the light & may Allah also bring the true guidance for me till Jannah, insyaallah..