Thursday, 22 August 2013

Over The Cloud

I feel like there is a cloud on my head.
Hovering circling ...
And there...
I know what it is in my heart, the reasons of something that makes me feel scared of tomorrow.
Afraid of doing anything, afraid of the results that it can be.

30 years old.married before dating. Having children and to be 40.

Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone like me.
Ok.maybe not.
Are you even real? 
Girls who at 30 and never date anyone are from Pluto really.

Ok.So I want to change.
I am a change person.So what?
Everyone else is married.
See the thing is only fish and cat are not married yet.

Lol..pffttttt... Then are those people who are not like me really happy??
Those that is Married before 30.Have kids.Have someone to have anniversary with. Those people.Are you happy?
They say be thankful.

I do.
That is why you read this.
That is why I write this.
Because if I'm not thankful, I will not feel anything.
Because I'm human being I want something more.
Because as I try hard in life, sometimes I cry and see the moon and skies above and ask why?
I want a rainbow.I want sunshine.. But the cloud is so dark, I need a thunder and a little bit of rain!!

#101cloudrant end.