Friday, 27 December 2013
Why I Love To Travel
Thursday, 28 November 2013
My Spring 2014 Seoul Itinerary
Copy & Paste from my DeCahaya Travel Page **proud**
Day 1 ~Arrived @Uljiro Coop Residence (Dongdaemun) 6pm
~Ikan bakar&shopping around Dongdaemun
Day 2~ Breakfast@A Twosome Coffee by So Ji Sub
~Belle & McKiss for JYJ Kim Junsu & Park Yuchun
~ Shopping at Gangnam Underground Bus Terminal
~ Lunch~ Turkey restaurant
~ Samsung D'Lite
~ Banpo Bridge
Day 3 ~Gwanjang Market for korean silk
~ Walk around Samcheong -Dong
~ Lunch at Paris Baguette cafe
~ Gyeongbokgung Palace (outside, changing guard ceremony)
~ Transfer to Twin Rabbit Hostel@Hongdae
Day 4 ~Shopping day@Myeongdong, Namdaemun
~ Lunch Vegetarian Korean food at Sinchon
~Evening-trekking to Hanuel Park sampai patah kaki ^^
Day 5@5am to Incheon airport to Malaysia
***scene melompat di Samcheongdong yang failed!!! LOL ^_^
Saturday, 14 September 2013
To Myself (Value of Life)
Entry of my diary dated 23/08/13..
Dear Munirah,
Your value is not depending of how much they pay you every month,
Your value is not by comparing what other people have or how much they get paid.
Your value is
What is inside of you,
Your value is your strength,
Your value is to tell the world that it is ok to get up again to fight,
Your value is to keep smiling eventhough you are afraid, even when you are sad, or even when you dont feel like doing anything...
Your value is to keep moving forward after falling so many times...
And your greatest value is to keep fighting & nevet give up..Because in the end, you are the highest value of people in this world, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
Me myself and I ^_^
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
What if I need to leave tomorrow?
Will I have a regret?
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Over The Cloud
Hovering circling ...
And there...
I know what it is in my heart, the reasons of something that makes me feel scared of tomorrow.
Afraid of doing anything, afraid of the results that it can be.
Are you even real?
I am a change person.So what?
Everyone else is married.
See the thing is only fish and cat are not married yet.
Those that is Married before 30.Have kids.Have someone to have anniversary with. Those people.Are you happy?
I do.
That is why you read this.
That is why I write this.
Because if I'm not thankful, I will not feel anything.
Because I'm human being I want something more.
Monday, 15 July 2013
Dreams Do Come True
If you dream enough
If you are brave enough
If you are persistent enough
To take all the action
To trust your heart
Dreams do come true.....
Have you ever told strangers about your dream? Have you ever think about what if you have everything in life to make your dreams come true? ?
I was not in the position to understand the feeling until I did the exercise on Les Brown seminar last week. So much I feel that it is easy to open your heart to tell the world your stories...
The most amazing thing is you will find that there are somebody out there who actually have the same dream with you...
Life I guess is to take much as others didn't believe that what Im going to do..I have the doubt too. I told myself its now or never...I need to stop the 'What if' thinking could have been..I decide to let the words out.
And I'm glad I did ♥
Im proud that I was brave..and most importantly...I feel different. ......
Those who never had known me said they were inspired ...that I moved their heart..that I was precious. ..something somehow as much I told myself that I was important in this world to have others to said it was amazing super kind of weird feeling....and I, Munirah Mohd Khadri is super happy
Thursday, 4 July 2013
My question book of life ^^
My answer;
Life is doing something with purpose;
Happiness is doing something you love;
Love is unconditioned;
Trust is believing;
Matter is deep in our heart;
Kind is helpful;
Courage is believing your destiny ♡♡
Friday, 28 June 2013
My story
Sunday, 23 June 2013
For something I didn't know how to make it happen, it turns out to be such an achievement. .
But that's in the area which I have known how to do it,
How to reach, run and hold it..
And now, here in the last day of June, I wonder about the things that I want it to be..things that I want to feel..things that I want to experience. .
How can I make it really true in this reality?
In that sense of the real positive thinking, I told myself that I can, I must and I will..
Will LOVE be here by the same way?? Can I really be the person I want to be??? Love, greatness, Happiness...please be here..please come here..please let it stay in my heart ♥
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
Night Routine
If for some reason, you feel like there is many Korean products, it's kinda true,
Sunday, 19 May 2013
30 things I want to do before I turn 30
I did not finish it until now, and its already May 2013..
With the coming of June, I only have another 6 months to look back, to think, and to ask my heart with all those questions again...
Also in my diary, I wrote~To walk through life or to walk with life; going back or to starts a new beginning ...
What actually did I achieve in this 5 month? ???
1) Travel to Seoul
●●The initial plan was really to go Mekah, tapi apakan daya, with all the new visa rule, terpaksa tarik diri..hv to let it pass for the funny thing abt my seoul trip, it just so randomly that a good friend is going and I was there with thinking was since I already plan to travel, what the heck, just use it and travel anyway..And I'm glad I did it.
•• Never been to Seoul before, but I was just so excited that I did the research to the places that I wanted to go, how to go there, how much is the cost etc was the trip whereby the Travel Planner inside of me was born :)
2) Paragliding
3) See myself on tv for 2 seconds :), I miss You korean drama commercial
4) House.Puchong.1000sq feet. (In process)
5) Job.Assistant Manager.Wage Increase.[well like others, my 1st thought, where did that come from?? :) ]
6) ASB~nope..I dont think it will grow as much I dream it to be, but I'm going to make it RMxxxk. If god willing :)
7) Decahaya Travel
8) The Smile Within.Accidentally Perfect.♥♥♥
Yup,so that was it..Just 8. A small one..not even half of 30!!....
But after so much thought and self talk, I don't think it was a bad number...
See, when you decide for a goal, dream or target, you need to take action.And when you see the results, something inside have change to make it happen..
For me , there was a little bit of sadness when I know some of the thing might never happen, but I'm happy at least 1% of me were nearer to that dream than before..the best part of all this, was when random people told me that I look different or I look happier :), or with question, What happen to you?? was a defining moment for me to realised that I, Munirah Mohd Khadri are better than the person I used to be..
I might not the perfect person I want to be.
I might not be the richest girl yet.
I might be imperfect to be blind in one eye..but I will never make myself down again. I was braver, have more confident to talk and to see others with eye to eye..
With a promise I had made for myself to search the happiness around me and to appreciate life...So let us together dream of our dream..let us play with our imaginations :) , For this coming months,I actually have written what I want to do!! hoping to write it down here soon!! And I hope I will get some inspiration from the above and from people around me too...
Be safe and keep smiling :)
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
How That Could Be
After giving our IC at the 1st table, we were assigned to our own room or they called it saluran..I was at the Room 3..(Funny that I only knew the room is assigned by your birthyear 2 days after the election ;) ) The senior ones get to vote at Room 1 which really have no line at all..kudos to SPR for having the alternative for the elderly..
After voting, I do what I usually do on Sunday..Gym, lunch..and my task on that weekend is to finish my Korea travel photobook..And yet, for how much I don't want to get into just can't run away with all the update in TV, FB or even in your whatsapp group..when everyone try
For all that I know that it was a choice of majority and the result shows what I had suspected all along..Never underestimate the power of unspoken voice in Facebook and the majority of people who don't bother to open any FB account at all.
Was is fair, was it robbed? Who lied? Who's lying?
So many questions been thrown around..and yet, my heart goes out to people who do everything that they believe in life. ..
I believe in happiness..I believe in seeing the greatness in people. .
I believe people are born to achieve their dream, not mine..
I believe whatever bad they have been, they could be someday be a better person. .
Some said my thoughts are too simple..but in the end I wonder why people want to make it harder than life itself..
My mission is to bring love and happiness to people around me, and like what they said, it all starts within...whether it was all a mistake in the result of this election, I believe in the power of the higher guidance the end of the day, there is already so many negative things around wish, my hope, people around me seeks to seek the truth before believing. .to remember about their friends and love given before accusing, the end, may all our du'a will shows the light of our dreams in our heart and soul ..
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Accidentally Perfect
Monday, 29 April 2013
5th of May ..the day of beginning or the end of history
And for me this is going to be my 1st time voting for the polls..
While I guess I'm quite excited ,there's probably a lot of people who can't sleep and do everything else..
So who's going to be the next Prime Minister is in everyone's game..if you read Utusan or Harakah, best bet is you would have thought everyone could have the same opportunity to win. .
My take..
For whoever win will bring Malaysia to be the best country to live in regardless of race and religion...and not just take the development as to built the biggest building we could ever made..but to embrace it as a whole..that it needs to be in the same length of us, the human being and nature surrounding us..
And the most important deep in my heart, I hope we stop calling ourselves according to our color..and not just say it loud but really respect each other in everything we do day in day out..
And this includes to stop calling all non Malaysian with derogatory remarks..They have the right to come here. .at the end of the day, whose land is this anyway. .is it really ours? Or wasn't it borrowed from god to us??
While having all this thought and so much more I believe on that day itself I probably will cry..for the reasons that I hope it will be..
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
My song on repeat
Reach out, reach out before it fades away.
You will find the warmth when you surrender.
Smile into the fear and let it play.
You wanna run away, run away and you say that it can’t be so.
You wanna look away, look away but you stay cause’ it’s all so close.
When you stand up and hold out your hand.
In the face of what I don’t understand.
My reason to be brave.
And all that you thought was wrong is pure again.
You can’t hide forever from the thunder.
Look into the storm and feel the rain.
You wanna run away, run away and you say that it can’t be so.
You wanna look away, look away but you stay cause’ it’s all so close.
When you stand uá¹— and hold out your hand.
In the face of what I don’t understand.
My reason to be brave.
You wanna run away, run away and you say that it can’t be so.
You wanna look away, look away but you stay cause’ it’s all so close.
When you stand up and hold out your hand.
In the face of what I don’t understand.
My reason to be brave.
From :
Saturday, 20 April 2013
My Note of Life in A Day
It's hard, it ain't easy..
I don't feel right..
I'm not happy...
I feel tired....
I can't fake my smile..
I don't want to speak with anyone..
I feel everything is so far away..
Dear Munirah,
To say that the world is great and forever happiness in life is under statement..
It is a good day..
As you have tried...
You try to see the diffrent views of the difficult things in life..
You try to laugh even its hard..
You try to talk even you want to cry..
You try to smile even though it's hurt so much..
For all that matters, that you believe, in future that all you want is happiness..
I want to be happy, I want to achieve all my dreams, and for that , congratulations on making through the day..
My dear self :)
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Jackal is Coming
Place: GSC Cinema
Wonder if many people have watch it :)..well in KL it only shown in 3 cinemas or probably only for GSC ..
So for the 1st time, I watch with so many people, or actually because we book the ticket for 20 of us and luckily everyone make it in time..
The poster is so tempting for us to start posing for camera :)
So my rate for the movie. .
I would give it 2.5 star..I love ji hyo and I love jaejoong..but the script is making the stories to go in circles. I was kinda hope they will have a surprise ending like most of the k movie I've seen, but it was none..seems they want to make it funny in a second then they move to being sad and serious suddenly..pffftttt..can I just say the best part of the movie is actually the last 2 min of the movie, where ji hyo being so tough bad ass assassin and Jaejoong be the ever cool top seriously mr director, the scene was so jarring with each other that I dont see the point of the story..there are times when i thought I'm seeing JJ photoshoot than a movie..hopefully they will have awesome project ahead coz I seriously love these two amazing people ^__^
Friday, 12 April 2013
Pulau Nami
The ferry and Nana with not that excited look :) |
Setia berbekal sandwich sepanjang berjalan di Seoul |
It really feels like a painting in a canvas....
..This was just random shot, but I just loves it <3 |
Spring is coming ^_^ |
We did a lot of posing too, just to make people back home feel jealous, kata senang, nak sakitkan hati org yg tak pernah sampai sini :)
Hopefully I could do Mount Sorak and Paju Art City soon!! and whole lot of other future adventures :)
Sunday, 7 April 2013
How love is going to be??
And its an open secret that everyone is crazily wanted to ask me the 'question'..
When are you getting married? ???
Don't you want to get married? ??
Well my answer would be No..
No, never in my 29 years of life I wish to get married..
I never have the dream to get married and have babies so forth before I turn 30..never!!
Lol, there were times I'm confused that if ever that thought can turn me into homosexuality kind of thing ...
But now I realised that I was not married because I never want it to..
I was not happy being could I make someone else happy..
I could not have children because I was not ready to tell them they are beautiful, because I thought I was the ugly one..
How you could love someone that comes from you when you hate what's inside yourself. .
And I understand it now..I understand it completely. .I can't have something that I can't handle it..Allah knows it all along..
And for that, my dua before I go to sleep tonight;
Ya allah, thank you for all the things in my life..thank you for giving me a second chance to live..the only who knows my destiny, if there is written in jannah that I will get married, may it brings more joy and happiness to the world I lives in..and at the end of my destinations, may it brings me to heaven eternally.. ameeen ..ya rabbana al amin
A seconds could change the course of life :)
Monday, 1 April 2013
To be Happy in Every Moment
![]() |
kek suka hati yang dipilih ^_^, gambar ambil dri org lain sbb malu nak ambil gmbr sendiri |
Friday, 29 March 2013
How life change and how you can change the world
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Bukchon Hanok Village
Please see my previous entry here Day 2 Part 1.
we being so random :) |
Nana sleeping like a princess in stroller , while us pushing it like mad |
the lock and so much love at N Tower that makes Nana impressed :) |
Nana, Jaejoong most loyal fans :) |